Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Troubles

As the world gets more and more out of control, as the thugs who run it care less about what happens to the rest of us, as the food we eat and the air we breathe and the water we drink becomes more toxic with each dawning day, the need to grow our own food  for ourselves and our families has become most important to me.

I don't know what I'm doing. Getting back to my roots maybe. I am not a gardener by trade, but  Ive always loved plants, herbes, medicinals, hedgewitchie ways and healthier living. Ive always been concerned about our planet and what mankind has done to it. I'm always trying to improve myself and the world around me. I'm always terribly concerned about the direction that we are going in. And to be honest, things like watching seedlings pop up out of the ground are what floats my boat these days. Its a very magical thing to behold.

I moved out of the city and into a tiny little town where time has forgotten us and life moves at a slower pace. It has been difficult and joyful and quite a transition for me. And I love it.
Yes, I live in Brigadoon. And if you have ever experienced the fog here in winter, you would agree.
 This is where I wont be focusing on my fashion and costuming world (except that I would dearly love to be running around in those full, pouffe skirts!) , but where I'll be recording my guerrilla gardening adventures and whatever else I'm concerned with as regards to the planet!

And hopefully I wont be pecked by birds along the way. Cuz there is one that follows me up at my friend Sam's house where he lets me have a little garden of my own. She sits on a pole 2 feet away from me and lets me know she doesn't want me there.

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