Thursday, August 16, 2012

Traveling Morning Glories and Summer Blooms

This little baby just popped up in the sidewalk this morning. She must have washed out of my rose bush planter at one point - Ive got some planted there and they are starting to trail up my shopfront wall. So pretty!
 I also planted some under the acacia tree next door in the vacant lot. I was hoping that they would go crazy and  twine all throughout the tree. But no - they are now growing in the compost pile. But thats ok with me as this was supposed to be a temporary pile of pull weeds and shrubs - things the lot owner was supposed to be taking away. I water it occassionally as Ive seen these things go up in flames on a hot day. But since the property owner is trying to sell and has lost interest in upkeep, all I can do is pull a few weeds and hope that the fire department really did get ahold of him like they said they would. Thats another story..........
 In the meantime, It is now August and things are in full swing, full bloom, and full speed ahead............I love people stopping to look at my guerrilla gardening. People have been snapping pictures. Little kids are ooing and aweing over the volunteer tomatoes.

 Even the neighbor next door in the ugliest building on the block has done his part to prettify the landscape with this little display of succulents on the sidewalk. Who knows what inspired them to do this - but I like to think that my little flower patches had something to do with it.. At any rate, Im super happy to see these!

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